The Earth Fairies

4 Agosto 2014

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  1. *Astrella
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    The Earth Fairies


    The fairies are the sacred spirit or presence that animate and enlivens all of Nature.

    Their knowledge, wisdom and supernatural powers can be called upon when doing magick.


    Fairies create a field of resonance or vibration just beyond the spectrum of our ordinary awareness. They are one step away from our reality, normally just out of our range of perception.

    The fairies are obviously part of a Pagan, pre-Christian religion. Within the fairy lore of Scotland and Ireland are the remnant of the old religion, with gods and goddesses acting as the guardian ancestors of the clans.


    Every clan claims descent from a particolar goddess or god. These same Pagan goddesses and gods appear in local tales and are trasformed into a fairy kings and queens.

    Living in magnificent fairy palace in the woods and by secluded streams, they act as guardians of forests, lakes, rivers, villages, and cities.


    In this way, the Pagan deities transfomed as fairies remain a part of the land and the folk memory of the people.


    The fairy connection with fate is congruent with their spiritual Nature. It is this spiritual Nature that makes it possible for fairies to affect mortals. Fairies and mortals share a spiritual Nature, and it is this spiritual affinity that acts as the connecting tread.


    At times the fairy and mortal worlds come together. They meet at a kind of magickal cross-road. When this happens, it create an energetic doorway through wich the mortals can enter the realm of the fairy and
    the fairy can enter the mortal world.

    Most often when the fairies enter the mortal world, they become visible.


    In this way it might be possible to see them with their skin that radiantly sparkles like flowers in the light.

    Dryads are described as being incredibly, tall, slenderand beautiful. Their hair in shades of green, brown, and rust, highlighted with gold and white, is thick and wild and often longer than their bodies.


    From Greek mythology we learn that there are many nymphs related to the earth element.

    Dryads are specifically the nymphs of oak trees, though the term has come to be used for all tree nymphs in general.

    Hamadryads are the nymphs of oak and poplars also associated with trees that grow or live on the banks of rivers and sacred woods. Their body is said to extend on one side with an intricate pattern that represent and trunk and roots of the "parent" or "mother" tree.


    They were an integral part of their trees, such that if the tree died, the hamadryad associated with it died as well.

    The Dryads were nymphs that live in forests and woodlands and embody the strength and vegetative luxuriance. Unlike Hamadryads, they were not part of the trees and they did not die if their tree died but they could move freely, dance, and even join with mere mortals.


    The Meliai were the ash-tree sisters tended the infant Zeus in Rhea's Cretan cave. Gaea gave birth to the Meliai after being made fertile by the blood of Uranus.


    The Oreads (Ὀρεάδες / Όρεστιάδες from ὄρος, "mountain") were a type of nymph that lived in mountains, valleys, and ravines.


    Nappees(from the greek ναπη, "wooded valley") are the nymphs who preside in the valleys and meadows.


    The earth is the main elemental habitat for fairies because that is where they all began as a part of Sidhe.

    As a result, all elves and fairies have an innate connection to the earth. The majority of fairies are earth fairies. From these beginnings, they branched out into all of the many aspects of earth.


    In a mythological sense, the earth fairy are connected of Mother Goddess and all the implications there in.

    These are the charactestics of creation, strength, stability, fertility, solidness, and fruitful rewads.


    The Greek goddess Demeter represents this divine energy. When she's happy, all of the creation smiles
    and when she's sad, there is nothing you can do but please the goddess, and give her what she wants--to be
    acknowledged, honored, and respected.


    Earth fairies can be found in a variety of locations--from forests, where trees are the main focus, to monoliths,
    where stones pinpoint the movement of the sun and the seasons. The more remote and private the forest or
    meadow, the more chance you have of finding an Earth fairy.


    Places where it might be possible to find earth fairies were forests, mountains, glens, meadow, fields, rocks,
    outcroppings, monoliths, gardens, fruit orchards, berry patches, thickets, caves and mines.

    Other names of different kinds of earth fairies: elves, dwarves, gnomes, pixies, and other small fairy spirits by different names depending on the culture or legend to which they belong.


    - My greatest thanks to Sylvhia for her cooperation in the realization of all of this. Thanks Sylvhia... -

    Sources: from the Book "Faery Magick" by Sirona Knight

    From the Book "The complete guide to Elves and Fairies" by Sirona Knight
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