The Autumnal Equinox: The Autumn Fairies

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    The Autumnal Equinox: The Autumn Fairies


    The Song of Autumn is a light whisper that fly from a branch of an apple tree and a red fruit ...
    between unadorned berry bushes and streams in need of new water ...
    on windswept brushed by the icy north.


    Mabon's chant arrives awaited and adored by a little swarm of papier-mache winged fairies
    Few rejoice of its arrival, a harbinger of frost and cold mists, father of apparent death and end.
    Those few gathered around me, from the Tower of Finnola I narrate adventures of
    oaks that fall asleep and blushing shyly vines ....


    We drink a toast to the salmon wisdom, and count hazelnuts on enchanted springs ...
    We attentive listen to the Air voice and the cry of Fire, the dull resentment of the Earth
    and the soft murmur of Water. We watch the light that woos the dark,
    salute the sunset and wait for the night.
    Soon the Veil will disappear....


    We, the rare autumn fairies, bring purple on leaves ...
    Don't make fun of us for our weird feeling ...
    Not all of the creatures of the forest are daughters of the light and the sun ...
    some were born in the starry and frosty Mabon night,
    some are clothed in leaves and berries and not flowers and light ....
    We are the faieris of balance ...
    our face looks at sister night and smiles .


    The fairies of autumn, have "Mabon" as their Guardian Spirit. It manifests itself in many ways, but the most common is the appearance of a child, who has deeply melancholic eyes, but that is cheerful and carefree. The gift that brings us is the Flame of Hope that is into all of us.
    The god Mabon, in Celtic mythology, is the son of mother earth and Mellt Modron (the "Illuminating "), the Welsh god of youth, vegetation and crops.

    Young Mabon

    In Paganism, Mabon is one of the eight Sabbat that celebrates the autumnal equinox (22 or 23 September in the Northern Hemisphere, 20 or 21 March in the southern hemisphere).
    The festival is a celebration of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and emphasizes the need to share them with others to ensure the blessings of the Goddess and God during the winter months.

    Young Mabon

    A traditional practice in pagan cultures, is to walk through wild places, collecting pods (or chestnuts) and dried plants, which are then used to decorate the house. The typical foods of Mabon consist of the fruits of the late crop (cereals, fruits, vegetables, grains, baked zucchini and beans).



    With September comes the Autumn Equinox, Mabon, the first Feast of the half dark.
    In the time of the Eleusinian Mysteries the autumnal equinox was the time of the Persephone descent into Hades and Demeter's grief.
    The separation between lovers (or the one between mother and daughter) is one of the dominant themes of this sabbat.


    After having sacrificed his life essence to the Mother Earth, God is now on the threshold of the underworld, becoming the symbol of the passage from life to death.
    Sacrificing himself in her, he impregnates the womb of his own essence and holds within her as a promise, for he is life.


    In ancient tradition, during this period of "incubation" God is called Mabon - son of the Mother - from autumn until the Twelfth Night, or January 6.

    Mabon ("Great Son") is a Welsh God. He was a great hunter with an agile horse and a beautiful hunting dog. Probably the mythologizing of a great leader of the time. Mabon was kidnapped by his mother, Modron (Great Mother), when he was only three days, but was rescued by King Arthur (other legends tell that he was rescued by an owl, an eagle and a salmon). During this time, Mabon lives, happy prisoner, in the magical world of Modron - her womb. Thanks to this, he can reborn.


    The light of Mabon was brought in the world, gathering the strength and wisdom, in such a way as to become a new seed.
    In this sense, Mabon is the male counterpart of Persephone, as well as the masculine principle of fertility. Modron instead corresponds to Demeter.


    Mabon is the festival of the equinox, the day that is halfway between the two solstices; it is an equilibrium time, when light and dark are equal and astronomically autumn begins.


    It is celebrated at the end of the most grueling year in which ​​the second harvest is made .
    The productive and reproductive cycle has ended, the leaves begin to yellow and the animals begin to pick up supplies in anticipation of the arrival of the cold months.


    Generally the chase period begins. Many migratory species - like the swallows - start their long journey south.
    The swan is the bird of the Equinox as a symbol of the immortality of the soul and guide of the dead in the afterlife.

    It is time for budgets: we can see what we have sown throughout the year, and we can see what fruit we harvest.
    During this period and the plowing of the fields a large number of local and regional rites were carried out with the common denominator of thanksgiving and suppliant meekness prayer for the difficult coming season.


    The period of the autumnal equinox was also called Michael or Michaelmas Supreme, the day dedicated to the archangel of fire and light alter-ego of Lucifer.
    The month of September was also the period in which the Great Mysteries of Eleusis, based on the symbolism of the grain, were held.
    It is also the time for the wine making, from the grape harvest and the pressing until its closure in the dark of the barrels.

    The process of grapes fermentation took place with procedures that once were accompanied by very specific rituals and it was seen as a symbol of spiritual transformation that takes place during the initiations and mystery rites, in the darkness of the underground sanctuaries.

    Mabon is to be seen in fact as an initiatory party paid to search for a new level of awareness.
    It 's time to turn to interiority: in the declining part of the Wheel of the Year we are traveling within ourselves, we enter into the dark time to reflect on the mysteries of transformation through death.


    Celebrate Mabon and thank the Fairies of Autumn


    The issue is balancing the polarity, then the suggestion is to do something that relates to the balance in your life. The male and female elements of your personality need to equal respect and expression. The night of Mabon, when the daylight hours and the hours of darkness are equivalent, it is a night to honor the balance of the Goddess and God (perhaps invoking Persephone and Dionysus) and the harmony of matter and spirit, celebrating not only the spiritual life of the next world, but also the physics of this world.


    It is also time to stop and reflect, relax and enjoy the fruits of their personal collected.
    It is a time to put an end to old projects while preparing the time of year when it's good to explore their inner selves.
    The work should be magical protection, prosperity, security and self-confidence.

    Mabon is considered the time of the mysteries. It's time to honor the old gods and the Spirit. The deities are thanked for their gifts, hoping for the future return of abundance for subsequent years, remembering to leave a part of our banquet for the Earth and its creatures: everything edible we put on the table to adorn Mabon and what is left over from the banquet will be brought outdoors and offered to animals and birds in a further sign of thanks to the Great Mother Earth has bestowed upon us his gifts.


    Incense for the autumn equinox include benzoin, myrrh, pine, sage, hibiscus and rose petals.
    The rose petals and sage can also be placed on the table, as long as they are not fresh.

    The herbs associated with this festival are wheat, vine leaves and oak.
    You can burn the thistles (the meaning is that the divine is transformed in its aspect of Wise Woman and Hunter).

    The typical decorations of this time of year also include the cornucopia, or horn of plenty, filled and overflowing fruit of the year, meaning sympathetically abundance of the gifts of the Mother.


    The autumn fairies as the season in which they belong are changing character fairies . That doesn't mean they to change their attitude from time to time, but that they have different facets, in fact it is very difficult to understand all of them, and it is for this reason that they continue to amaze continuously whoever is around them.

    They represent change, becoming, they are those that are constantly changing, learning from the experience of life, just like the autumn wind that changes the shape of the clouds, so in their path they change themselves into various shapes are always new and always making more significant strides to understanding and knowledge.


    This is due to their desire to know and understand things and in fact they have an intellect that they use whenever they can. Even if they understand the change of life and everything can not break away from that childish dream of eternal love and protect it with all their strength, even at the cost of his own life. They are very tied to their past despite being aware that things change and aware that they want to live in the present.

    This link to their past carries within them the melancholy that they often express through their eyes but they try to suppress it with the joy they show to whoever is next, in fact, like a river in flood sweep away everything they overwhelm it with their joy which can sometimes turn into little jokes that serve to give a smile to those nearby and give it to themselves.


    These fairies are also as the mild autumn sun that with its rays warms the hearts of those he meets, in fact they know how to be very gentle with those who are favorable and polite to them, such kindness turns into pure generosity when those stands beside them showing affection , as it was already said ,if they bind a person the pain of the break-up could be very strong, but every time pain grows their essence make them more aware of themselves, even if it happens that if this link becomes very deep and they had to donate their lives.

    The love they protect is the love that people are living day by day, love that for a moment blot out the pain of the past, well aware that love does not stop with that between two people they try to be next to people when it ends. They are the guardians of torn hearts.


    The Sidhe are also the thunder that breaks in the storms because they are veritable storm when get angry, and they do not tolerate those who offend or who treats them badly, and do not tolerate those who hurt people they love, if that were happen they retaliate using their intellect to create mischief that may come to getting mad at their victims from the torment of these little fairies.

    There are few things that take away the autumn fairies, these include the iron to which they are allergic, and salt, that taken in large quantities, could bring some damage, even if it only them know in order to avoid that someone take advantage of this characteristic .

    They are irresistible fairies, in fact, for all these characteristics they have an innate charm, due also from their behavior that can appear almost aristocratic in its delicate and elegan gesture . In every thing they show gifts, every move is dictated by a hidden charm in them.


    *Attention please* - - "This translation (and / or content) is made by Sylvhia exclusively for "I Nove Mondi Forum". In case of partial or full release is mandatory to link to the original source and the required credits".

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