Posts written by LoveIsMagical

  1. .

    I'll never let YOU part

    for YOU're always in my

    Happy Birthday !!!

  2. .
    This is my story. It is not invented, it is not copied.
    It is the chronicle of what I have experienced in the last few days and I feel the need to share it so that people have more testimony about what happens to those who have the misfortune to meet the Covid19, personally or because it has affected a person in the family, a friend, an acquaintance.

    My father was 86 years old.

    Brilliant conversation, a thousand interests, he drove the car, he was totally independent and healthy .
    We called and saw each other every day, he passed by our home to greet and have an aperitif or a coffee.
    He had no problem other than choosing the restaurant when he decided it was time to go out for lunch.
    He liked oysters a lot, Escargot à la Bourguignonne, good food, a good cocktail and a glass of good wine.

    He liked the joy of being in company, the sea, the trips.
    He was 86 years old, he showed at least ten years younger but he was in the target.
    I repeated to him to the exhaustion of staying at home, because he was at risk, because if he had taken the Virus and it was necessary to hospitalize him in the Hospital he would have been alone, because none of us could have gone to visit him, because many of his age they don't get by.

    March 10 was the last day he passed by our home.
    He was fine.
    It was difficult but as a precaution we didn't hug or even kiss.
    It was the last day he saw his family before going to his partner home .
    I carried the groceries, put it in front of the door, walked away and said goodbye at a safe distance.

    For two days they had had a boring little fever, nothing special. It seemed they were fine. They told me they had contacted the doctor
    On March 23rd we hospitalized him.
    He grumbled when they told him that they would take him down with the chair, greeted me sitting on the stretcher, lively and terrified.
    I yelled at him "Dad! Hold your phone and charger tight because it's the only way we can communicate! "
    The only way. There were no others. No visits. The hospital is armored.
    We called for two or three days, when he only had a light mask. We called, he called. He was fed up. They didn't let him get out of bed and instead he wanted to put his things in the closet. He hated disorder.

    The first swab was negative but they would repeat it.
    Then they had to put on the C-pap because the saturation was low. It is noisy, thick and talking is difficult. He got angry because we couldn't understand what he was saying and then we told him to listen, to say only yes or no. I tried to stay on the phone for as long as possible, I asked him how he was, I told him what I was doing, who he called to get his news, I talked about the time of what we would do when he would go out, I also invented, yes, I invented because I knew that for him it was important to hear my voice, the voice of his beloved nephew, that of his son-in-law and his partner.

    He needed it to go on it was a kind of nourishment.
    Then she never answered or called me again.
    I asked the Doctors, who kept me constantly informed about his condition, to leave him the phone, to tell him that I knew he could not answer but that I would call him the same. A few rings during the day, to let him know that we thought it, that we were close to him.

    On March 31st a doctor told me that the clinical picture had worsened, he had no problems with breathing because the mask helped him to reach the correct saturation but all the organs were stopping working.
    He had given up. What I feared had come true.

    April 1 at 8:30 am the phone rang. Dad was gone.
    My father had four worries.
    No longer being able to drive, lose his independence, become a burden for us and be alone.
    The virus is sneaky, so that it only showed up on the second swab, but I think loneliness helped him out.
    We could not see it, no preparation of the body (they disinfect and wrap them in a sheet and the funeral attendants equipped with masks with filters, close them in the box), no religious function. Just a quick blessing before the burial in the presence of the closest family members, in our case three, in the Cemetery open especially for us (Even those are closed)

    A friend of ours works in that department, my father had known him since we were kids, I asked him to say who he was ( harnessed as they are all look the same), because knowing that was a known person could help him.
    He was on duty when Dad left, he told me he didn't suffer and he was calm. I believe him. He knows me and knows that he can tell me the truth. I'm not the type who goes wild.
    I absorb the blow and turn the page.

    Stay home, keep your distance, wash your hands, use gloves and masks.

    My friend said to me, "You have no idea what it's happening here. You can't even imagine it. " It is devastating for them too.
    No, I can't imagine it but I can feel it. From his voice, from the voice of the doctors and other people who work there, from the looks of the people who stand at a safe distance outside and in the hall.

    I went to the hospital three times.
    Once to pick up personal belongings.
    One to bring spare linen.
    One to pick up the phone, which is on the balcony in three plastic bags waiting for the sim to lock.

    All three times I threw everything I was wearing in the washing machine along with a good dose of disinfectant.
    They called me to collect the linen. "Throw it all away."

    Life gives, life takes.
    We are fine, his partner is fine. We are tried but we'll rise.
  3. .
    Questo è il mio racconto. Non è inventato, non è copiato.

    E' la cronaca di ciò che ho vissuto in questi ultimi giorni e sento il bisogno di condividerlo perchè la gente abbia una testimonianza in più riguardo a ciò che accade a chi ha la sfortuna di incontrare il Covid19, personalmente o perchè ha colpito una persona della famiglia, un amico, un conoscente.

    Mio padre aveva 86 anni.
    Conversazione brillante, mille interessi, guidava l'auto, era totalmente indipendente e stava benone.
    Ci sentivamo tutti i giorni e ci vedevamo tutti i giorni, passava da casa nostra a salutare e a prendere l'aperitivo o un caffè.
    Non aveva problemi se non quello di scegliere il ristorante quando decideva che era ora di andare a pranzo fuori.
    Gli piacevano un sacco le ostriche, le escargot à la Bourguignonne , la buona cucina e apprezzava un buon cocktail e un bicchiere di buon vino.
    Gli piaceva l'allegria dello stare in compagnia, il mare, le gite.

    Aveva 86 anni, ne dimostrava minimo dieci di meno ma era nel target.

    Gli ho ripetuto fino allo sfinimento di restare a casa, perchè era a rischio, perchè se si fosse preso il Virus e fosse stato necessario ricoverarlo in Ospedale sarebbe rimasto solo, perchè nessuno di noi sarebbe potuto andare a fargli visita, perchè molti della sua età non se la cavano.
    Il 10 Marzo è stato l'ultimo giorno in cui è passato da noi.
    Stava bene.
    Ci è costato ma per precauzione non ci siamo abbracciati e nemmeno baciati.
    L'ultimo giorno in cui ha visto la sua Famiglia prima di rintanarsi in casa con la sua compagna.
    Portavo la spesa, la posavo davanti alla porta, mi allontanavo e ci salutavamo a distanza di sicurezza.

    Avevano avuto per due giorni una noiosa febbriciattola, niente di che. Sembrava stessero bene,
    Il 23 Marzo lo abbiamo ricoverato in ospedale.
    Ha brontolato quando gli hanno detto che lo avrebbero portato giù con la sedia, mi ha salutata seduto sulla barella, vispo e terrorizzato.
    Gli ho urlato “Papà! Tieni stretto il telefono e il caricabatterie perchè è l'unico modo che abbiamo per comunicare!”
    L'unico modo. Non ce ne erano altri. Niente visite. L'Ospedale è blindato.
    Ci siamo sentiti per due o tre giorni, quando aveva solo la mascherina. Chiamavamo noi, chiamava lui. Era stufo. Non lo lasciavano scendere dal letto e lui invece voleva mettere a posto le sue cose nell'armadio. Odiava il disordine.

    Il primo tampone era negativo ma lo avrebbero ripetuto.
    Poi gli hanno dovuto mettere la C-pap perchè la saturazione era bassa. E' rumorosa, spessa e parlare è difficoltoso. Si arrabbiava perchè non riuscivamo a capire cosa diceva e allora gli abbiamo detto di ascoltare, di dire solo si o no. Cercavo di rimanere al telefono più tempo possibile, gli chiedevo come stava, gli raccontavo cosa stavo facendo, chi aveva chiamato per avere sue notizie, parlavo del tempo di cosa avremmo fatto quando sarebbe uscito, inventavo anche, si, inventavo perchè sapevo che per lui era importante sentire la mia voce, la voce del suo adorato nipote, quella di suo genero e della sua compagna.

    Gli serviva per andare avanti era una sorta di nutrimento.
    Poi non mi ha più risposto né chiamato.
    Ho chiesto ai Medici, che mi tenevano costantemente informata sulle sue condizioni, di lasciargli il telefono, di dirgli che sapevo che non poteva rispondere ma che lo avrei chiamato lo stesso. Pochi squilli durante la giornata, per fargli sapere che lo pensavamo, che gli eravamo vicini.

    Il 31 Marzo un Dottore mi ha detto che il quadro clinico si era aggravato, non aveva problemi con la respirazione perchè con la maschera raggiungeva la corretta saturazione ma tutti gli organi stavano smettendo di funzionare.

    Si era arreso. Quello che temevo si era avverato.

    1 Aprile ore 8:30 è suonato in telefono. Papà non c'era più.

    Mio padre aveva quattro crucci.
    Non poter più guidare, perdere la sua indipendenza, diventare un peso per noi e restare solo.
    Il virus è subdolo, tanto che si è rivelato solo al secondo tampone, ma credo che la solitudine gli abbia dato una mano.
    Non lo abbiamo potuto vedere, nessuna preparazione della salma ( li disinfettano e avvolgono in un lenzuolo e gli addetti delle Onoranze Funebri dotati di maschere con i filtri, li chiudono nella cassa), niente funzione religiosa. Solo una benedizione veloce prima della tumulazione alla presenza dei più stretti famigliari, nel nostro caso tre, nel Cimitero aperto apposta per noi (Anche quelli sono chiusi)
    Un nostro amico lavora in quel reparto, mio padre lo conosceva da quando eravamo ragazzi, gli ho chiesto di farsi riconoscere, (bardati come sono sembrano tutti uguali), perchè sapere di avere accanto a sè una persona conosciuta poteva aiutarlo.
    Il mio amico era di turno quando se ne è andato, mi ha detto che non ha sofferto ed era sereno. Gli credo. Mi conosce e sa che può dirmi la verità. Non sono il tipo che dà in escandescenze.
    Assorbo il colpo e volto pagina.
    Restate a casa, mantenete le distanze, lavatevi le mani, usati i guanti e le mascherine.

    Il mio amico mi ha detto “ Non hai idea di quello che stiamo vedendo qui. Non puoi nemmeno immaginarlo.” E' devastante anche per loro.
    No, non lo posso immaginare ma percepire si. Dalla sua voce, dalla voce dei Medici e di altre persone che lavorano lì, dagli sguardi delle persone che sostano a distanza di sicurezza fuori e nell'androne.

    Sono andata tre volte in Ospedale.
    Una volta per ritirare gli effetti personali.
    Una per portare la biancheria di ricambio.
    Una per ritirare il telefono, che è sul balcone dentro a tre sacchetti di plastica in attesa del blocco della sim.

    Tutte e tre le volte ho gettato in lavatrice tutto quello che avevo addosso insieme ad una buona dose di disinfettante.
    Mi hanno telefonato per ritirare la biancheria. “Gettate via tutto.”
    La vita dà, la vita prende.
    Noi stiamo bene, la sua compagna sta bene. Siamo provati ma risorgeremo.
  4. .
    On Thursday I have a regular appointment with a dear friend of mine.
    We meet in the usual place, we kiss and hug, and we talk having a coffee with cream, cocoa powder and chopped hazelnuts, a break from our tasks, time for us without husbands and without children, (a boys who are now grown up and look more like a B&B guest)
    After the usual "Are you all right at home?" we move on to commenting on each other's weekly routine and then slip into much lighter topics.
    "I would like to choose a new hair color",
    "Tomorrow I'm going to have my nails done"
    "I need a new bag to combine with ..."
    "What do we do on the weekend?"
    “Do you come to our home? Do we come to you? Do we to meet in the usual place then decide? "
    In short, an hour (or even two) of peace before plunging back into our lives.
    We were unable to meet last Thursday due to Covid19 restrictions.
    But this week we got organized for a video call.
    Same time but each one at home because our "place" is closed and unreachable because we live in two different Municipalities.
    Make-up and hair, because you should never let yourself wear a pajamas h24.
    Coffee, cream, hazelnut chocolate.
    "Hello. Are you all ok?" In chorus, simultaneously.
    "Yes Dear, we are!" Another choir.
    We told each other what happens in the respective Municipalities. Same identical thing, all at home, all behind the mask.
    People need to talk, exchange few words while, strictly maintaining the safety distance, wait to enter the supermarket or pharmacy. Sometimes they laugh. Laughing is good, nightmare disappears for a moment, they escape the silence that has fallen over the cities
    There is silence, oppressive, torn every now and then by the sirens of an ambulance ... hopefully everything will be fine ...
    When they tell you that someone you know is in hospital with Covid19 the first thing you do is try to recall when you last saw each other ...
    Yes, we hope everything is fine.
    We tried to digress, to talk about the usual things and we came to the conclusion that it does not matter if we have green hair due to a mess with the tint bought at supermarket and nails without polish; we have a lot of bags and we need one at a time.
    The important thing is to get out of this nightmare.
    We must think positive.
    We decided what to do on the next weekend.
    Video call!
    Saturday evening!
    All four, with the boys (in recent weeks the B&B has become full board)
    Sofa, feet on the table, beer and maybe a berry cheesecake.
    Virtual hug, virtual kiss.
    We will have a lot of fun!
    We will be together anyway!
    It will end, I don't know when but it will end and we will come back to see them in person.
    What we will do?
    Surely we will cry and hug tight tight and then we'll have a good beer in place full of people singing and dancing.

    See you soon.

    Take care of you all.

  5. .
    Il Giovedì ho un appuntamento fisso con una mia carissima amica.
    Ci incontriamo al solito posto, bacio e abbraccio, e chiacchieriamo in compagnia di un caffè con panna, polvere di cacao e granella di nocciole, una pausa dai rispettivi impegni, un momento per noi senza mariti e senza figli,( figli che ormai grandi somigliano più ai clienti di un B&B)
    Dopo il solito “A casa tutti bene?” si passa al commento sulla reciproca routine settimanale per poi scivolare in argomenti molto più leggeri.
    “Vorrei scegliere un nuovo colore per i capelli”,
    “Domani vado a rifare le unghie”
    “Mi servirebbe una borsa da abbinare a...”
    “Cosa facciamo nel weekend?”
    “Veniamo noi da voi? Venite voi da noi? Ci troviamo al solito posto poi decidiamo?”
    In poche parole un'oretta (anche due) di relax prima di rituffarci nelle nostre vite.
    Giovedì scorso non ci siamo potute incontrare, a causa delle restrizioni del Covid19.
    Ma questa settimana ci siamo organizzate per una videochiamata.
    Stessa ora ma ognuna a casa sua perchè il nostro “posto” è chiuso e irraggiungibile poiché abitiamo in due Comuni diversi .
    Trucco e parrucco, perchè non bisogna mai lasciarsi andare al pigiama h24.
    Caffè, panna, cioccolata alle nocciole.
    “Ciaooo. State tutti bene?” In coro, simultaneamente.
    “Tutti bene!” Altro coro.
    Ci siamo raccontate ciò che succede nei rispettivi Comuni. Stessa identica cosa, tutti a casa, tutti senza volto per la mascherina.
    La gente ha bisogno di parlare, si scambia qualche parola mentre, mantenendo rigorosamente la distanza di sicurezza, si aspetta di entrare al supermercato o in farmacia, si ride anche. Ridere fa bene, rilassa sdrammatizza per un attimo l'incubo, sfugge dal silenzio calato sulle città che sembrano vuote.
    C'è silenzio, opprimente, squarciato ogni tanto dalle sirene di un'ambulanza...speriamo vada tutto bene...
    Quando ti dicono che qualcuno che conosci è in ospedale con il Covid19 la prima cosa che fai è cercare di ricordare quando vi siete visti l'ultima volta...
    Si, speriamo vada tutto bene.
    Abbiamo cercato di divagare, di parlare delle solite cose e siamo giunte alla conclusione che non importa se avremo i capelli verdi a causa di un pasticcio con la tinta del supermercato e le unghie senza smalto; borse ne abbiamo un sacco e ne serve una alla volta.
    L'importante è uscire da questo incubo.
    Pensiamo positivo.
    Abbiamo deciso cosa fare nel weekend.
    Sabato sera!
    Tutti e quattro, con i ragazzi (in queste settimane il B&B è diventato a pensione completa)
    Divano, piedi sul tavolino, birra e magari una cheesecake ai frutti di bosco.
    Abbraccio virtuale, bacio virtuale.
    Ci divertiremo un sacco!
    Staremo comunque insieme!
    Finirà, non so quando ma finirà e torneremo a vederci di persona.
    Cosa faremo? Sicuramente piangeremo abbracciati stretti stretti e poi andremo a berci una birra in un locale pieno di gente che balla e canta.

    Ci vediamo presto.

    Abbiate cura di voi.

    Edited by LoveIsMagical - 20/3/2020, 23:49
  6. .
    When my father was a child he bought comics that told the adventures of astronauts travelling to the Moon...
    In his day it was science fiction but decades later in 1969 Neil Armstrong really walked on the Moon.
    Sci-fi has become reality.
    In this period the same thing happened.
    Covid19 has hit.
    How many films have we seen where a mysterious and sneaky virus infected the World?
    A lot.
    But where were we?
    Sitting in movie theatre or on the sofa at home, with a box of popcorn and a drink and maybe even candies.
    How many times have we said "Thank god it was fiction!"
    Yes, it was sci-fi. It ended with "The End"
    We took the car and went to eat pizza with friends or to drink a cocktail or somewhere just to end the evening.
    Well, now the plot has moved to reality, at least here where I live, in Italy.
    Tv repeats the rules to follow to avoid the spread of the virus
    Whether we like it or not, it is necessary to observe the rules if we want to return to normal and take back our lives.
    We can do it.
    I read a thought on a Social and I want to mention it
    "Our Grandparents were asked to go to war, we have been asked to stay on sofa"
    Very different and above all not dangerous.
    How many times have we said "Today I would like sit on my sofa and doing nothing"?
    I take advantage of it.
    Sofa, tablet, smartphone, pc. everything handy, everything connected.
    I follow the news, I see films, videos, and I surf the net.
    I read many Countries are facing Covid19 and I wonder how are all the persons I used to talk to.
    Please let me know if you are ok..

    You Are Always In My Heart

  7. .

    Edited by LoveIsMagical - 21/12/2017, 22:37
  8. .

  9. .
  10. .'s me :)

    Have You thought I went away? That I have left?
    No, I'm still here my Dear.

    I'm still in this wide maze.
    I found a small and comfortable corner and I made myself as small as possible because I want to live in peace.
    I had my experiences , I learnt from them.

    I read and watch, sometimes there is only silence sometimes I hear the footsteps of people chasing a nickname, sometimes I see a nickname running away from people, and again nicknames against nicknames... and people saying "Don't follow that one! It's fake!" and then other people " No, no, no that nick is wrong! This is the correct one!" .... And what about people that have more than a single account and play different roles? Ooohhhh I feel dizzy!
    My head is spinning! :doh.gif:

    How many alleged Michaels... Hey Man! Are you among them? Tell me who you are so at least I can stop following all these nicks that I don't even know who they are :)
    I must also say that that some of them write interesting things. True? False? I think some of them are good persons with a big heart.

    I have been following the Hoax from the beginning, I spent days and nights on line, I talked to so many people, I had some good conversations and some fights, I'm still a believer, I'm interested in what happened to You. I'm not interested in knowing if your children are biologically yours or not. It's your business.

    Time for coincidences and clues is over, it ended months and months ago.

    I dont't became a fan of someone else just because the image of the cover of the new album reminds something about you or the song number seven has the same title as one of yours.
    Everybody know that mention your name means to attract media and fans attention.

    I have two requests.
    First. I noticed there is some confusion about your pics. There are pics of you and pics of other people that are not you.( My compliments to make-up artists, surgery and in some cases Mother Earth) It is so long that we don't see you that there is a bit of confusion. Please give us a new pic so we can refresh our memory.

    Second. Yesterday I was in a store, hanging around with a friend of mine, the shop's radio start playing "Santa Claus is coming to town" . My friend said "Listen! This is Michael's voice he was very young!" We stay there until the end of the song. So I thought, may you give us a new song? It would be good to hear your voice again in a great song ... with an amazing Keep the Faith, Earth Song, Cry ... Think about it please. :rolleyes:

    Oh I almost forgot... I have discovered that a man I often meet at grocery store has a brother so similar to him ... a spitting image! I have always talked to both thinking they were one! OMG! They are practically the same, one is a little higher and has thicker hair but it is only visible if they are together.

    I have to say "Hello" from another friend of mine, a great old man and Fan of Elvis. He was the only one to understand what I was feeling in the days after the fateful date. He told me "At that time we haven't Internet, you have it, follow your heart, baby".

    That's why I'm still here.

    Have a nice day my Dear. :419181.gif:

  11. .

    Michael Jackson at Camp Zama in Tokyo, March 10, 2007 - Reportage a Camp Zama,Tokyo 2007


  12. .
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    Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday

    by Aldo Grandjean

    Edited with:

    Edited by LoveIsMagical - 29/8/2015, 16:34
  13. .

    6 Years !!!

    Today is June 25, 2015....Thursday ...Do you remember ? It was Thursday too, 6 years ago.

    I could spend my time writing about the meaning of number 6 or Thursday or about how I felt that day, how I felt the day I became believer or why I'm still here after 6 years.

    I think you know everyone of us and our stories and thoughts, after so long time, and you also know why we are still here waiting and looking for news about you.

    The only things I want to say are:

    I hope you are happy

    I hope you are ok

    I hope you're enjoying your free life

    I hope to see or hear you one day

    ...and if you have something new to tell us...whistle...there is always someone listening and ready to share.

    God bless you and all
  14. .

    Michael Jackson Tip Tap dance Puttin' on the Ritz - Fred Astaireஇڿڰۣ--இڿڰۣ-

    by •. KennikoldMJFan .•°


    Edited by Sylvhia - 1/6/2015, 15:28
  15. .

    Billie Jean - Michael Jackson 1984 Victory Tour

    by Jackson5Videos

77 replies since 20/2/2010